Over 10,000+ hours of experience building, fixing, migrating, securing blogs, e-commerce, e-learning, accommodation, brochure WordPress websites in 🇧🇪 Belgium, 🇮🇪 Ireland, 🇳🇱 NL & 🇬🇧 UK.

Free Web Report

Can you take a look at my site and tell me what you think needs to be improved ?

Fix Something

I know what’s wrong with my site, I just need it fixed.

I need ongoing help

Can you just help me out every time I get in touch without having to quote first?

After 20 years of building websites I discovered something mind blowing...

Businesses literally waste hours of their valuable time trying to find information for the simplest of wordpress issues.

When they eventually came to me for help they were surprised that I fixed their problem in minutes, over the phone, without having a computer in front of me.

Who knows how much money they could have saved if they came to me first !

Read on ..

That’s where WordPress Boom comes in.

I already offer this service for clients I build websites for. But then I realised there must be thousands of people having the same issue but not knowing how to fix it. They’re wasting their time on something that I can fix within minutes.

I keep coming across broken websites with plugin or security issues or even User Experience issues, that I know if it was fixed, it would vastly improve their customers engagement with their business. And in turn show that their brand is something that is reliable instead of a somewhat broken / we’ll fix it later type of “vibe”..

Still not convinced ?

Let me prove you wrong for FREE. Sign up for your free website report where I will personally analyse your website and list any issues I see you need to fix.

This is not AI or some kind of bot.. this is me, a professional web designer with 20+ years experience and 100’s of website builds under my belt. Using my knowledge that I have built up after spending 10,000+ hours working on WordPress projects.

WooCommerce, UX, Magento, Moodle, Hubspot, SSL, Migrations, Integrations, Multisites, Multilingual, Server Migrations, Domain Migrations, Sub Domains, Security, Site Speed, Stripe, Paypal & Crypto Currency… I’ll stop there, because it keeps going…

Get in Touch
David Hayden

David Hayden

Wordpress Web Designer

I know wordpress so well and use it so frequently, I know every little bug and solution that you might encounter. I have already wasted hours, days… months !! trying to figure out these problems.. and I know how frustrating it is when in some cases you don’t even know what you should be searching for on google  ..


I have already spent enough for the both of us 😀

Some Facts About Me:

  • BA Design 1999

  • 22+ years of experience

  • 3+ years : UX Design

  • Proven Track Record

  • 10,000+ hours working with WordPress

  • 100’s of successful projects


Why Work With Me


Take advantage of my WordPress experience with over 10,000+ hours of building & fixing sites.


Don’t get frustrated trying to figure out how to fix your site or add content. I already know how to do it with in minutes.

User Experience

I will show you how to remove any obstacles your website visitors might be encountering. User Experience is at the core of what I do.

FREE Report

Sign up for your free website report where I will personally analyse your website and list any issues I see you need to fix.


Check Out My Work

These are projects I have built by myself or in collaboration with a developer, designer, marketing specialist or copywriter.

In each project I took the role as the WordPress specialist, giving advice on specifications for hosting and integration. For clients who want to migrate from one system to another or simply integrate new technology or plugins.

Each project has a different story. Some great memories 😀

wordpress support

Wordpress Support Services


Drupal, Hubspot, Magento, Web Hosting, Wix, Squarespace, Joomla, WordPress


XML, CSV, Themes/Plugins, API, Google, Hubspot, Social, Video & Media


WP Bakery, Elementor, Divi, Gutenberg & Classic Editor


SSL, Wordfence & Jetpack Monitoring


WP Fastest Cache, GTmetrics,

Custom Coding


Back Ups & Updates

Themes, Plugins, Databases & Files


SSL, Domain, Websites & Emails.

Let's Discuss Your Project!


What Clients Say About Me


Free Web Report

Can you take a look at my site a tell me what you think needs to be improved ?


Fix Something

I know what’s wrong with my site, I just need my website fixed as soon as possible.

Fixed Pricing Quotes

I need ongoing help

Can you just help me out every time I get in touch without having to quote first?

Prepay & Top-up later

Crypto Currency Accepted


Let me know what you need

Please let me know your website address and the nature of the problem you are experiencing.

Antwerp Belgium / Wexford Ireland

+ 32 (0)488 90 57 80

+ 353 (0)87 779 4892

    David Hayden

    NOT Just another WordPress Web Designer